Join ‘The Wickers’ Coterie

To become a member of the BHC Coterie Social Club Inc. simply:

1. Email with the following details.

Your name, address, and mobile number.

2. Pay your annual subscription directly into the BHC Coterie Bank Account.

Name: BHC Coterie Social Club Inc

BSB: 033-689

Account Number: 489053

Reference: Your Name

Should you require any information or like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us via the numbers below.

Noel Turner               Chris Zull                  Frank Zaccaria

Chairperson              Secretary                   Treasurer

0402 078 866            0452 256 422            0405 192 768

Or mail us at

We look forward to welcoming you to “The Wickers” in 2020.